Monday, 14 November 2011

What's in a name?

Blog name, to be precise.
My blog name, if you want specifics.
So, what's in it?
Well, blog names are supposed to be somewhat catchy, intriguing, and easy to remember.  They don't absolutely have to be, but it's nice.
Actually...  for good or bad, they're really important.  I mean, suppose you're looking at a friend's profile.  And you see the list of blogs they're following.  What do you do?  Well, if you're in the mood, you may click on one.  How do you choose which ones to click on?
The name.
Leastways, that's how I choose.  And unless you're planning on reading every single one, I don't see that there is any other possible way to choose.
So you need a good name.
Like most things, I tend to obsess somewhat about that.
In other words, I made and deleted a whole bunch of blogs, changing the name each time.  xp
My first thought was: Long Live!!  My favorite Taylor Swift song ever, by the way, and also an awesome name.
Hmm...  Okay...
Also taken.
Also taken.
So I chose, and called it Long Live.  Set, hey?
Two hours later, jump back onto the computer: Viva la Vida!!  I love that song/name!  The obvious url ( was taken.  Screw Spanish grammar (hey, Imma French girl!  ^-^), and let's go with!
So great!!  I customized the design and started my first post...  Skip to next day.  Illogical Reality!!  Yes!!!  Taken...  well, I could change the url a bit, but I'll just see if there are any others that aren't.  Insensible reality?   Paradoxical reality?  Ah...  Equivocal Reality!!  Yes, taken, but that's just too epik to pass up.  So here we have:  Made it, and wrote the first post.  :D
But...  well, reality isn't exactly equivocal, just...  hard to understand, for us sadly limited humans.   Unfathomable.  Yes...  Unfathomable Reality!!  Switch the second word to 'realities', and it's perfect!!  And honesty... there's nothing harder to fathom than this strange thing we call Reality.
So I did that, reset my settings again, and...
Well, I had to get off the computer.  So, I was praying with my mom and siblings that night, when the perfect, absolutely perfect blog name popped into my head.
And then after we were finished...  I had forgotten it.  >.<
'Tis sad.
Oh well.
But hey, I like Unfathomable Reality.  It's pretty good, or at least okayly good, don't you think?  :p
~Shadoe Dystopya


  1. I like your blog name! It's very mysterious like ^_^ Not to mention, very poetic :)

    Yeah...I hate how the best blog names are always taken X_x Though I usually tend not to choose a song name for my blog, because I know I'm going to choose a new favourite song one day :P

    I don't really remember why I decided to call my blog How To Be Epik... :/

    Great blog post, by the way! ^_^ I'm following! :D

  2. Thank you. :D
    Yeah... Same here. My favorite song changes several times a day, though my favorite singer has been pretty stable for a while. :p
    I dunno... How To Be Epik is an epik name though. And it's really interesting. ^-^
    ~Shadoe Dystopya
